tempo di lettura 1′
The Critical Incident method has often been questioned as promoting one-dimensional explanations for unclear situations occurring in intercultural encounters. To counteract the danger of attribution and stereotyping, it has often been suggested that learners be sensitised to the idea of multiple hypotheses.
“Critical incidents are not ‘things’ which exist independently of an observer and are awaiting discovery like gold nuggets or desert islands, but like all data, critical incidents are created. Incidents happen, but critical incidents are produced by the way we look at a situation: a critical incident is an interpretation of the significance of an event. To take something as a critical incident is a value judgement we make, and the basis of that judgement is the significance we attach to the meaning of the incident.”
Tripp, D. (1993). Critical Incidents in Teaching. Developing Professional Judgement. p.8
It is this approach which makes training courses with critical incidents and case studies particularly effective.
Communication plays an important role in this, particularly so when applying suggested solutions to the problems presented. As dealing with critical incidents and avoiding them in future inevitably involves communications, language training based on intercultural awareness is what is required today.
Watch a 45′ free webinar on the failed Daimler-Chrysler merger and how this connected with cultural differences.