tempo di lettura 1′

Cross-functional matrix teams are one of the most common team structures used by multinationals to deliver projects worldwide. In such teams, team members come from different organizational functions and are led by a particular “activity leader” who they may not have a formal reporting line to.


In recent times, global companies are facing continuous transition and transformation challenges through mergers and acquisitions. With the adoption of newer and intelligent technologies, profit margins have been pushed lower. Digital Transformation is becoming expensive, regulatory requirements are heavier and Time to Market needs to be faster. Managing cross-functional teams efficiently in an engaging manner is key to handling global organizational challenges.

Key questions are:

  • When do intercultural soft skills matter more than field expertise?
  • Find out how to use matrix team structures to your advantage
  • How to achieve project effectiveness consistently though reinforced levels of change readiness?
  • How can we foster strategic alignment, improve project performance and develop future leaders
  • How to identify relevant opportunities and contents

And successful approaches are:

  1. first who, than what
  2. prevent distractions
  3. be creative
  4. find your Ikigai (=the thing for which you wake up in the morning)
  5. use positive narratives
  6. manage motivation
  7. show interest.


Mithun Mridha for Sietar Italia



SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research) l’Associazione per l’Educazione, la Formazione e la Ricerca Interculturale è il più grande network internazionale e interdisciplinare per chi si interessa e opera in ambito interculturale. La mission di SIETAR è promuovere la collaborazione e il dialogo tra diverse culture, in modo che le differenze di nazionalità, sesso, genere, età, lingua, religione, colore, etnia, orientamento sessuale, etc. non vengano vissute come barriere, ma come opportunità per il lavoro, per lo studio e per la vita. Detiene lo status di ONG presso le Nazioni Unite ed è riconosciuto dal Consiglio d’Europa. SIETAR Italia è affiliata alla rete internazionale SIETAR. È una rete di professionisti provenienti da diversi ambiti, quali la formazione, la consulenza, l’insegnamento, la traduzione, l’assistenza sanitaria, i media, le arti.